Here I share some (possibly) useful resources I prepared here and there throughout my career. They are mostly related to courses and classes I have ministred in the past years, as well as presentations I did. I hope they are useful! 🚀

Keep an 👁️ here, as I will update this page (hopefully) often to add more stuff!

In English

  • Slides 📊 I presented to the University of Waikato’s Online Machine Learning Research Group in 2021. By that time, Heitor Murilo Gomes, Jacob Montiel, and professors Bernhard Pfahringer and Albert Bifet invited me to give a brief virtual presentation of my ongoing research to fellow researchers. These slides can be seen as a companion to my paper about that subject.
  • Online machine learning introduction I presented to the bioinformatics research group of KU Leuven KULAK. It is basically an updated and trimmed-down version of my original post in Portuguese. It provides a friendly and not mathematically heavy introduction to the research field, with a practical focus on Python and River.
  • My PhD Thesis (defense in May 3, 2023).

Em Português